St John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
St John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
1385 Warden Avenue
Toronto ON M1R 2S3
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church was built in 1981 during the presidency of the late Dr Leonidas Polymenakos. Located on Warden, south of Ellesmere, it is ideally located in the heart of Scarborough, easily servicing area residents.
Unfortunately, in January 1991, a fire completely destroyed the church. The fire and destruction of the church did however have very positive results. "Ouden kakon ameiges kalou" means "In every bad happening, there is something good". It showed the strength of our community as everyone rallied behind the church and the Greek community to have the church rebuilt. Services were conducted in the youth centre gymnasium while the church rebuilding continued until December of the same year. A group of ten Orthodox Russian iconographers were responsible for the iconography and the final result was a magnificent church. Decorating and servicing our city, we are thankful to God for it is one of the most attended Greek Orthodox churches in all of North America.