St John the Compassionate Mission
St John the Compassionate Mission

155 Broadview Avenue
Toronto ON M4M 2E9
St John the Compassionate Mission is an Apostolate of the Carpatho-Russian Diocese of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. "A hospital for suffering man".
Founded in 1986 in Riverdale, the mission has since the very beginning of its history held all liturgical services in English, in its chapel dedicated to St Silouan the Athonite. It is open daily,and it has a mandate to reach out to people who are on the margins of society or of the Orthodox church. The Apostolate provides spiritual as well as material assistance to any one in need. It helps people learn a trade by working in the bakery or a thrift store. In cooperation with St Mary of Egypt Refuge it runs summer camps for youth, and various family/adult retreats. It is inspired by St Basil's model of the church as a "Basiliad".
Spiritual Father: P. Nicolaie 416 476 6659
St John's welcomes lay missionaries to work with the mission through its Lived Theology School.
The mission also runs St John's Bakery.